Many experts give a strong emphasis to SEO-friendly blogs for better ranking, but have you ever wondered why? 

SEO without unique content is pretty much useless. It is because of the content that Google and end-users get to know about your business and the offers that you provide. SEO blogs, articles, pages, or press releases are the only way to ensure that your business is being ranked with useful and relevant terms on search engine pages. They will help you to compete with other companies from your industry.

As you begin creating blogs, make sure they are useful, informative, engaging, high quality, and most importantly, optimized with relevant keywords.

Before we dive in further, let’s first learn how to do keyword research for blog posts. 

Identify keywords opportunities – Keywords are basically the terms or phrases people use most often to search for your business, product, or services online. One can use Google Trends or keyword planner tools to find relevant phrases. It is a simple process, but you need to have a good grasp of your business niche & industry. 

Other than shortlisting keywords on your own, you can also see what keywords your competitors rank for, and it is usually the best way to get started. Either way, you still need to use your best judgment when selecting competitive keywords. 

Begin optimizing the title, URL, and meta description – After doing comprehensive research on keywords, your next step is to optimize:

  • Headline – Headings have great importance in SEO, so including keywords in H1 or H2 tag will help boost your ranking and let your audience know what your blog is all about. 
  • URL – An SEO Friendly URL is built with a sound structure for both humans and search engines. The algorithm can easily understand what the destination page will be about.
  • Meta Description – Meta description provides a short description of your blog or article on search engine ranking pages. Adding relevant keywords to meta content is helpful for ranking by summarizing everything in detail. 

Optimize the length of your blogs. Studies suggest that Google prefers lengthier content, where 1000-1500 words of the content are most likely to dominate search ranking results on page one. The ideal blog length depends on the topic. Try to bring new concepts and ideas to each blog post you plan to publish. 

Maintain keyword density. Keyword density sometimes referred to as keyword frequency, is the number of times a target keyword is used in a blog. The percentage is as follows:

Number of times the target keyword appears / Number of words = Keyword density

A higher keyword density can kill your SEO whereas minimum keywords density can steal your spotlight. There are no clearly defined “rules” for precise keyword density, but many experts believe that 1-2% is an ideal keyword density. In other words, a keyword must appear one or two times per 100 words. 

We hope this blog has provided you with all the information you need to write an SEO-friendly blog post.