Ever thought about starting a blog for your business’ website?  A recent study indicates that companies that have a blog generate more then 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links and 434% more indexed pages. So why wouldn’t you want to start a blog? Oh yeah, they’re A LOT of work! I’m writing today to give you a couple of quick tips on how to implement a high quality blog into your business’ marketing strategy.

Keep Your Blog on Your Company’s Website

Blogs are a great tool to use because they can offer a massive amount of unique, high quality content if written and maintained correctly. Because of this, it is important for you to integrate your blog on to your business’ website. By doing this your blog will help your websites’ SEO and potentially land you some new customers. Just imagine all that unique, new content that Google’s crawlers will be able to search through when they crawl your website and then provide that information to users who are searching for those keywords.

Don’t be Egocentric

While blogs are a great way to introduce people to your products, being egocentric and only talking about yourself on your blog isn’t a good thing. A blog is all about offering your readers thought provoking information! Tell them something interesting about what is going on in your industry, or share a new trend that is emerging in the marketplace or some industry best practices. We aren’t saying never to talk about you business, but do it in moderation and for a specific reason.

Don’t be Random

Speaking of writing thought provoking blogs, although your content should be interesting it should NOT be random. Make sure your blogs have a purpose, plain and simple. Be consistent in your topics so that your blog will become that place where people know they can find good reliable information on a certain topic.

Switch Content Forms

As a way to keep readers interested and coming back, ensure that you switch up the content forms. One post might be all text, the next a video or maybe an audio recording, or heck even mix two different content types! The point is keep it fresh and give variety to your readers.

Overall, the point of having a blog is to give your readers unique, interesting and relevant information with a twist (that twist being your unique perspective on different topics).  Although, it might be tempting to write about yourself and your products, put yourself in your consumers’ shoes and think about what they want to read about.