As we begin another year, it is a great time to see where Marketing is heading. The marketing trends have their effects on the way we operate our business and the way we can generate results. Here are some of the marketing trends for 2020:

Customer Experience

Customer experience is going to be the major marketing trend in 2020. It will no longer just be about the digitization of products but the interaction of the consumers with the brand. We are witnessing a major shift in how marketing is conceived. Marketing is not only about convincing other people to buy from the company but rather, it is more focused upon getting the loyalty of the customers.

experience is already an important part of every business’s culture, but it will be emphasized more in 2020. It will leave positive impacts on the business operation, and greater results will be generated.

Voice Search Optimization

In 2020, voice search technology and smart speakers technology will further be enhanced, which will impact the way we build the content for the marketing purposes of our brands. Therefore, you need to optimize your content for voice search. It is also important for content marketers to focus on anticipating questions that will be conversationally asked by the audience.

Content Visualization

Though Voice search has been skyrocketing, visual content still plays a big role in marketing. You can take the growth of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest as an example of how visual content still matters nowadays.


Due to increased advancements in technology, consumers expect and appreciate brands that provide them with much more personalization in their experience than before. New research from Epilson indicates that 80% of consumers are more likely to do business when brands offer personalized experiences.

More interactive email experience

Email Marketing still thrives in this new day and age and is not going anywhere anytime soon. Email consumption and marketing strategies evolve. You will see more interactive and dynamic emails in 2020 that will increase personalization and overall experience of customers.

Artificial Intelligence

We have witnessed a huge advancement in Artificial Intelligence. AI is the technology behind chatbots and voice assistants. There is a great chance that more businesses will use AI-Powered technology and automation to help them enhance their marketing efforts.

New trends and strategies are evolving and will continue to do so within the next few years. Make sure you keep up with these trends and discover the most effective ones for your business.